Full Stack Developer.

Hey I'm Abdel 👋. Currently a college student I like to craft solid and scalable applications with great user experiences.

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Some realized projects

E-Commerce APP

E-Commerce website that allows its users to buy tech material.


A platform that allows its users to rent houses

Full invoice web app

Full Stack web application made for a company. Built using NextJS/React, Node JS/ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, Prisma...


A clone of Netflix, Built using Vue JS (VueX, Vue Router...), Tailwind CSS and Firebase

Disney Plus clone

This is a Disney plus clone made using React, Firebase and Styled Components

More on my github profile


    I've worked with a range a technologies in the web / application development world.

    • Front-End

    • Back-End

    • Databases

    • Programming Languages

    About Me

    Hey I'm Abdel 👋. Currently a college student 🎓 that is always learning. You can contact me via e-mail. (abdellahberni@gmail.com)

    Learning is the key of success !